Here are the key points from the memorandum of understanding (MOU):

  • The MOU is between Antelope Valley Community College District (AVCCD), Antelope Valley Community College Federation of Classified Employees (AVCFCE), and Antelope Valley College Federation of Teachers (AVCFT).
  • It reflects an agreement to reinstate the Winter Intersession into the academic calendar beginning 2024-2025, complying with a February 2023 PERB decision.
  • The 2024-2025 academic calendar is attached, as recommended by the AVC Calendar Committee and approved in May 2023.
  • Key dates:
  • Fall semester starts 8/19/2024
  • Fall census day is 9/3/2024
  • Fall semester ends 12/7/2024
  • Intersession term is 1/2/2025 to 2/1/2025
  • Spring semester starts 2/3/2025
  • Spring census day is 2/18/2025
  • Spring semester ends 5/31/2025
  • Summer term is 6/9/2025 to 8/2/2025
  • The MOU is signed by AVCCD, AVCFCE, and AVCFT representatives, reflecting agreement on reinstating the winter intersession.