[IMPORTANT] AVCFT Faculty Survey of the Proposed Changes to the Block Schedule

Dear AVC Faculty,

Per President Zellet’s recent Town Hall and Coffee Chat, she is proposing two revisions to the current block schedule. The proposals are:

1. Adding a block to begin at 6:30 AM

2. Adding a block to begin at 12:30 PM

Here are some resources for review:

President’s Slide from Scheduling Forum:


Forum Video:


Current AVC Block Schedule


Proposed New AVC Block Schedule (Draft)


The Faculty Union would like to hear from you regarding this proposal. The information gathered will be useful in our conversations with Administration.

Please review the materials prior to responding to the survey. Please complete the survey by Monday, January 30th at 12:00 PM.

The survey can also be accessed by clicking on the following link or copying and pasting it into your browser:


In solidarity,
Alberto Mendoza González Larreynaga
AVCFT Membership/Communications DirectorÂ