Dear colleagues!
We hope that your summer is going well and that the news in this update will make it better for you and your loved ones.
In this email is a newsletter providing you with essential and historic updates!
In it, you will find updates to the recent union election, negotiations update, PERB update, and an update on new reasons to join as a dues-paying member.
The newsletter is a Google Doc so, use the following Google Doc link: Newsletter – June 27 Edition.
(Copy and paste the following website in case the link above is not working: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sJIMcbmhRUiQ5tCzIVOgCU9N5N6ESyw58622uRcJvvs/edit?usp=sharing)
Thank you, colleagues, for all your hard work. We are ecstatic to unveil the challenging yet crucial tasks we have accomplished for the collective good. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments at contact@avcft.org
-Your Union Team