From Dr. Scott Lee (Political Director):
The Federation has reached Tentative Agreements (TA’s) with the District on the faculty collective bargaining agreement. We now need our dues-paying members to decide whether to ratify these agreements, so be sure to check your AVC e-mails from Dr. Scott Lee. This ratification vote will be open until Thursday, July 13th, 2023 at 8pm.
Here are some highlights of the agreed changes:
Article IX
- 8% of base salary, one-time off-schedule stipend for the 2022 – 23 academic year.
- Note: The 8% base salary goes to all unit members employed as of May 6, 2023.
- 13% raise will be added to all faculty salary schedules for 2023 – 2024 academic year.
- 4% raise will be added to all faculty salary schedules for 2024 – 2025 academic year.
- Note: For point (2), the effective date is July 1, 2023, and for (3), the effective is July 1, 2024.
- “Effective retroactive to October 1, 2022 the health and welfare benefit cap shall be $17,500 per year through September 30, 2025.” Note: The previous benefit cap was $14,500.
- Anthem Blue Cross PPO (4046B) plan prescription cost will now be $10/$35 (previously $5/$20) [generic name drug/brand name drug]. Rationale: There will be a $95/month savings with this change unless more than 19 prescriptions are purchased every month.
- The Vision Plan will have an additional $3/month cost. Rationale: The extra cost will include an extra pair of glasses within a year.
- Added trigger language to re-open Article IX section for part-time health care if any of the following events take place:
- Note on the trigger language:
- The California Community College Chancellor’s Office implements a benefit pool for part-time faculty;
- The multi-district adjunct faculty eligibility requirements change; or
- The insurance provider’s eligibility requirements change.
- Note on the trigger language:
- Teaching independent study/work study courses shall be paid at the rate of $100 per student per unit. Note: The rate was previously $75 per student per unit
- Coaching Compensation: Stipends have been increased for both adjunct faculty and full-time faculty. See Article IX, Section 9.1, subsection 9.1.2, and Section 9.2 (c), (b), and (d). Note on stipends referred to in this area: “Effective July 1, 2023,
Article I
The new contract shall be in effect until June 30, 2025.
Article V
- Update leave language/definitions based on FMLA, etc.
- The reduced minimum contribution to catastrophic leave bank to one (1) day for full-time faculty and four (4) hours for part-time faculty.
- Bereavement Leave language now states that a unit member “of the District is entitled to a leave of absence not to exceed five (5) days because of the death of any member’s immediate family.”
- Unit members MUST contribute to catastrophic leave in order to request use.
- Updated the catastrophic leave form.
These are not the only changes. Links to the new contract language and the current contract can be found on the ballot and by going to Newsletter – June 27 Edition. (Copy and paste the following website in case the link above is not working:
If you have questions, contact Federation Presdient, Dr. Jason Bowen, at or Dr. Cindy Hendrix, Lead Negotiator, at
Thank you for your continued support.
In Solidarity . . . For All!